Watch this page for meeting notices, notices about your drinking water, and other time-sensitive information. The documents provided on this website are for informational purposes and the official copy of records can be found at the Mesquite office of the Lower Rio Grande Public Water Works Authority.

You will find our Inspection of Public Record Policy on our Documents page.

You can find all of our financial audits here: NM Office of the State Auditor

Vacancies on Board of Directors

We have three vacancies on the Board of Directors, in District 1 (Desert Sands area), District 5 (Mesquite area), and District 7 (E. Mesa & Rincon area). See the Board & Elections page for District Maps and information on how to be appointed to fill a vacancy or run for election.

Local Elections

Terms for three directors representing Districts 3, 4, 5, & 7 will expire in 2025.  See the Board & Elections page for information about local elections

Public Meetings, Non-Discrimination and Rate Notices

If you would like to receive an email reminder about our Board meetings, email your request to

LRGPWWA Directors Schedule FY2024-2025 Approved 5-15-24

Meeting Notice Agenda Regular Board Meeting Wednesday July 17, 24

Non-Discrimination Statement 2023 Rate Hearing Documents

Customer Newsletter

The first edition of our newsletter was mailed out to all of our customers on December 28, 2011. Click the links below to download our newsletters in PDF format.  Click the Accordian below for access to newsletters from previous years

Public Meetings: Presentation of Water & Sewer Rate Study & Recommendations

LRGPWWA staff will provide a presentation on the Rate Study and record public input for the Board’s consideration at 6:00 p.m. at the following dates & locations:

  • LRGPWWA La Mesa Office – Monday, August 7, 2023
    521 St. Valentine
    La Mesa, NM 88044
  • LRGPWWA Rincon Office – Tuesday, August 8, 2023
    2227 Rincon Rd.
    Rincon, NM  87940LRGPWWA
  • East Mesa Office – Wednesday, August 9, 2023
    9774 Butterfield Blvd.
    Las Cruces, NM 88011

 These meetings will also be available on ZOOM:

Meeting ID: 840 1587 8063 – Passcode: 633575
Phone: +1 346 248 7799 or
+1 669 444 9171

Tuesday, March 9, 2021, at 6:00 pm online on ZOOM

The Lower Rio Grande Public Water Works Authority asked Rural Community Assistance Corporation to perform a rate study and make recommendations for rate adjustments in 2019.  Results of the study were presented to the Board of Directors on February 17, 2021, and the board authorized this public meeting to be held online on the Zoom platform due to COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings in-person.  Download the flyer with details here:

You can download the Zoom app for your smartphone or tablet at the Google Play Store or Apple Store, you can attend on your computer, or call into the meeting.  Informational materials will be posted here as available, and a link to view, download, or listen to the recording of the public meeting will be added here following the public meeting.

Public input will be provided to the Board of Directors at its regular monthly meeting on March 17, 2021.  If you would like to provide comments to the board, please email your comments to, mail them to LRGPWWA Board – Rate Study, PO Box 2026, Anthony NM 88021, or call 575-233-5742 ext. 1021 with brief comments.

View the Public Meeting recording here:

Download the presentation in pdf format here:

LRGPWWA Public Meeting Rate Presentation PPT_English_030921

LRGPWWA Public Meeting Rate Presentation PPT_Spanish_030921

2020 Rate Study by RCAC

Rural Community Assistance Corporation is currently working on a rate study for the Lower Rio Grande Public Water Works Authority.  Information will be posted here as it becomes available, and a public hearing will be scheduled in late 2020 or early 2021.  Due to CoVid-19 protocols, the public hearing will be virtual, not in-person.

Updating our water and wastewater rates based on current financial and customer usage data on a regular basis is important for keeping the LRGPWWA on a sound footing to continue to reliably provide these essential community services, and to avoid rate-shock by delaying necessary increases.

The rate study and rate adjustment proposal will be presented to the LRGPWWA Board of Directors for approval and adoption once complete.  Watch this page for additional information, and contact us at to sign up for board meeting notifications or to submit comments.

Public Meetings Online

Since April 15, 2020, we uses the Zoom online meeting platform for public meetings.  Even after resuming in-person meetings, we still provide a Zoom link.  It is necessary to contact us for the link online password or telephone number.  While the public is welcome to attend our open meetings, we also need to be mindful of online security (yours as well as ours), and we need an accurate record of attendees.

If you plan to attend, please contact us at board @ (remove the spaces before and after the @ symbol) to be included in our email reminder list to receive this information, or call us at 575-233-5742 extension 1021  and leave a message.  Go to to set up a free account prior to attending the meeting.  You can download the Zoom app for Android at the Play Store or the iPhone version in the Apple Store.  It’s possible to dial into the meeting, but probably better to use a computer, laptop, tablet, or smart phone when possible.

CDBG Public Hearing – Water Master Plan

The LRGPWWA will conduct a public hearing regarding its Community Development Block Grant Planning Grant that funded a Water Master Plan at 5:30 p.m. online via the Zoom platform on Wednesday, November 10, 2021.  Download the meeting flyers below for details and log-in information.

CDBG Notice of Public Meeting English-POST w-Board Agenda

CDBG Notice of Public Meeting Spanish-POST w-Board Agenda


Lower Rio Grande Public Water Works Authority proposes to renew the Discharge Permit for post-closure groundwater moni-toring. Discharge location: Mesquite Wastewater Treatment Facility is located at the end of Santo Tomas Road, Mesquite. For additional information, con-tact the New Mexico Environ-ment Department and reference: DP-1036 PN1.

(505) 827-2900

Corrected Notice: 2020-12-PN2-ENGLISH2

Public Notice-Rcpt of DP Application-DP-1036 Mesquite WW Facility

Public Hearing for Governance Document Amendment

Please join us on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. on ZOOM to give us your comments on this proposed amendment to our Governance Document.  This amendment is to address an issue that has come up with USDA Rural Development regarding funding for projects.  You can download the meeting flyer and the full Governance Document with the proposed amendment highlighted on page 15 below.   You may also provide written comments to the Board at until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 14, 2021.  This proposed amendment will be an agenda item for the Board of Directors Meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 19, 2021.

QUORUM NOTICE: A quorum of the Lower Rio Grande PWWA Board of Directors may attend this meeting.  No board business will be discussed, and no board action will be taken at this meeting.

LRGPWWA Governance Document_ 01619 Proposed Amendment

Public Hearing-Governance Document Amendment_050421

Water Quality Reports for Previous Years

Our Consumer Confidence Reports for past years as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act are posted below. These reports detail where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to standards set by regulatory agencies.

2010 was the last time there were five separate reports under the names of the original five former mutual domestic associations. Beginning with 2011, all of the water quality data is combined in one report for the Lower Rio Grande Public Water Works Authority for those five systems.

During 2012, the Butterfield Park, Organ and Brazito water associations voted to merge with the Lower Rio Grande PWWA. The 2012 CCRs for these three associations are separate documents.

In 2016 the LRGPWWA purchased the Valle Del Rio water system. The 2015 CCR for this system is also a separate document, found below.

In 2018, High Valley MDWCA elected to merge with the Lower Rio Grande PWWA, and their CCRs beginning with 2017 are available here.

The links to the right will open PDF files containing the reports. You will find contact information for our Operations Manager at end end of each report if you have any questions.

Please note that Wells #1, 2 & 3 in the Desert Sands area have now all been equipped with arsenic treatment plants and lab results for arsenic have since been in compliance with arsenic MCL.

Consumer Confidence Reports for Previous Years

Click on the Accordion below to find Consumer Confidence Reports on our water quality for previous years.  The reports for calendar 2023 are the current set of reports that are available on this page above.