Water Conservation Draft Plan Comment Period Closes 1/14/17
Update 1/24/17
We received 242 responses to our Water Conservation Survey. Some people took the survey online, but most filled out the survey form that was enclosed in the December bills. 69% of the respondents have lived in the area more than…

Source Water Protection Plan Comment Period
Update 4/17/19: DB Stephens & Associates is finishing up an update of our Source Water Assessment to reflect our merger with High Valley MDWCA and get the High Valley Service Area included. Once the Assessment is updated, we will be…

Berino/Mesquite-Del Cerro Water System Improvements Project
1/11/16 Update - Scheduled Outage in the Bosque are of Berino: The contractor will be tying in new lines in the Bosque area of Berino on Wednesday, January 13th. Expect the water to be off in this area all day beginning about 9 am. We apologize…

Website Updates
4/17/19 Update: Well, as you can see, we have migrated our website to a new platform, re-designed the site, reorganized the information available to you here, and made it mobile-friendly. Have a look on your smart-phone! Do you like the…

La Mesa Well Project
Burn Construction was given Notice To Proceed on our La Mesa Well Project on August 1st, and will begin work on August 13th. This project is located up on the mesa away from roads and should cause no disruption of traffic. The project is expected…

Mesquite Wastewater Project is Under Construction
7/11/13 Update: Good News for Mesquite Residents! The repaving has finally begun! And even better news - the water system improvements project will be out to bid soon, but we've gotten pipeline stub-outs installed across the streets that are…