Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan 2014-2018 & CDBG Public Hearings

UPDATE 8/6/12: Thank you very much to those who took the time to attend our public meetings, we truly appreciate your ideas & suggestions. The first draft of this year’s ICIP will be presented to the board at its regular meeting on August 15th at 9 am at our Vado Office, 325 Holguin Road, and a final draft will be prepared for adoption at the board meeting on September 19th.

ORIGINAL POST: As we begin our annual update and revision of our Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan, we are seeking input from our members, customers, and the public. This five-year plan outlines and prioritizes needed upgrades or additions to our water & sewer systems in order to meet regulatory requirements and provide reliable and affordable service to our customers. You will find information about the Plan, the process and how to participate on the new “Projects & Planning” page here at our website. Please have a look and post your comments here, or fill out a paper form and mail it in or drop it off at one of our offices. You can also email us at

We are partnering with Dona Ana County to hold two public input meetings as part of this process. The first part of each meeting will be a CDBG Public Hearing to gather comments & suggestions from the community about LRGPWWA water & sewer infrastructure needs. The CDBG Hearing will be adjourned, snacks will be served, and then there will be discussion all infrastructure within the community including water, sewer, streets, drainage, lighting, parks & recreation, solid waste, etc.

The first public meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 24th at Butterfield Park Community Center, 9350 Berry Patch Lane, hosted by Commissioner Krahling.

The second will be at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 31st at Del Cerro Community Center, 180 La Fe, hosted by Commissioner Garrett.

We hope you will join us to discuss the needs of your community at this meeting.

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