Water Conservation Draft Plan Comment Period Closes 1/14/17

Update 1/24/17
We received 242 responses to our Water Conservation Survey. Some people took the survey online, but most filled out the survey form that was enclosed in the December bills. 69% of the respondents have lived in the area more than 20 years, and 85% were over 50 years old. 13% said they were uninformed about water conservation, 20% said they were very knowledgeable, and the rest were somewhat informed. Only 1% indicated that they thought conservation was unnecessary, and the top reason for conservation (35%) was for future generations, followed by limited water resources (25%), the current drought (21%), and lower water bills (18%). The #1 & #3 recommended conservation measures endorsed by those who took the survey were public education and conservation programs in the schools, with low-flow fixture incentives as #2. Higher rates was the least popular measure. We’ll discuss some of the comments from the surveys here soon.

Update 1/17/17
The public comment period is now closed, and the report is being finalized. We’ll post it on the Projects & Planning page when the final draft has been submitted. Liie Hill from DB Stephens has compiled the survey results, and they are now posted on the Projects & Planning page. We will be posting some discussion of the results and your comments here in the next several days.

Update 1/11/17
As we near the end of the comment period, we would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to our survey either online or by turning in the form sent out in the billing. We truly appreciate your time and your thoughtful comments.

Original Post
A survey about water conservation was enclosed in the bills that went out the 1st of December, and we’ve had a pretty good response so far. Thank you very much to those who took the time to fill out and return the survey! You will find a link to take the survey online on our Home page, Customer Service page and Notices page, so if you haven’t done it yet, please take a few moments and let us know what you think.

The Draft Water Conservation Plan was presented to our Board of Directors on December 13th and at public input meetings that evening and the following morning. We are so grateful to those who participated! You can read or download the Draft Plan on the Notices page, and we are accepting public comments on the Plan thru January 14th. Send your comments to Karen Nichols, Projects Manager at karen.nichols@LRGauthority.org or PO Box 2646, Anthony NM 88021.

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