LRGPWWA Finance Manager Kathi Jackson and Governor Martinez at the Governor's LEDA Announcement Ceremony

To celebrate Earth Day a new fire hydrant was opened. From L to R, John Holguin, Vice Chair of the BoD of LRGPWWA; Terry Brunner, State Director, USDA, Marty Nieto, Chair, BoD, LRGPWWA, Doreen Gallegos, State Representative, District 52 and Billy G. Garrett, County Commissioner, District 1.

For the second year, Lower Rio Grande Public Water Works participated in the Las Cruces Utilities Department Water Festival. We had a great time this year (and last) talking with the kids and seeing all the great exhibits. Thank you Las Cruces Utilities Department!

Our exhibit was a model city with a working water distribution system.

Students learning how the water is pumped and distributed into houses and businesses.

Board member John Holguin (right) is presented a plaque recognizing the purple heart that he received during his service in Vietnam from Hector Vasquez (left) of Vencor Engineering during May's Regular Board Meeting at the Vado office.

On November 25, 2013 the USDA-Rural Development presented LRGPWWA with a certificate of completion for the La Mesa Well Project. The La Mesa Well Project was initiated by the La Mesa MDWCA with the engineering firm Molzen Corbin Associates. It added a well and storage tank up on the west mesa with distribution pipeline looping back to the existing system. The construction contract was awarded to Burn Construction, and construction began in mid-August 2012 and was completed September 2013 including some water pipeline stub-outs in Mesquite that were added to the project. Below is a slide show of the ceremony.

Joe Evaro, ex-member La Mesa MDWCA Board

Rachel Bustos, Burn Construction; Wyatt Kartchner, Molzen Corbin

Terry Brunner, State Director USDA

Terry Brunner, State Director USDA

Martin Lopez, Gen Manager, LRGPWWA; Joe Evaro, ex-member La Mesa MDWCA Board; Roberto "Marty" Nieto, Chair, Board of Directors, LRGPWWA; Terry Brunner, State Director, USDA

Martin Lopez, Gen Manager, LRGPWWA; Joe Evaro, ex-member La Mesa MDWCA Board; Roberto "Marty" Nieto, Chair, Board of Directors, LRGPWWA; Terry Brunner, State Director, USDA

Martin Lopez, Gen Manager, LRGPWWA; Joe Evaro, ex-member La Mesa MDWCA Board; Roberto "Marty" Nieto, Chair, Board of Directors, LRGPWWA; Terry Brunner, State Director, USDA

Gabe Vaquez from Senator Heinrich office

Marc Grajeda from Senator Udall's office

Peter Ibarbo from Representative Pearce's office

The LRGPWWA received the Yono Oneo Award from the Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) on November 8, 2012. The award honors rural people who have made significant lifelong contributions to their community in volunteer capacities.

Learn more about Yoneo Ono at www.rcac.org/yoneo-ono.

Individual awards were given to Gabriel Gutierrez, Marty Nieto, John Holguin, Karen Nichols, Don Wells & Ismael Borunda. Mr. Stanley Keasling, CEO, RCAC (inset) presented the awards. Also in photos, Martin Lopez, General Mgr, LRGPWWA & Olga Morales, RCAC.

We would like to thank everyone who attended this event!

Our General Manager, Martin Lopez, is the recipient of the 2011 Joe Guillen Award. This is an award made to an individual whose work has been dedicated to the service of New Mexico communities and whose efforts have provided for the long-term health and sustainability of the community. The video of his acceptance speech is posted on the Video page.

Our General Manager, Martin Lopez, was a panelist for the Utilities Integrated Planning Workshop at the 2011 NM Infrastructure Finance Conference in Albuquerque

Our Finance Manager, Kathi Jackson, Governor Martinez, and Espie Holguin of HUD at the 2011 NM Infrastructure Finance Conference in Albuquerque

NM State Representative Joseph Cervantes

Groundbreaking Ceremony for Phase 1 Interconnection Project

May 2009 celebration dinner and Martin's birthday

LRG thanks to NM State Representative Joseph Cervantes (HB 185) sponsor

Lower Rio Grand Mutual Domestic Water Association Incorporators

Roosevelt Boyer (Vado)

Karen Nichols, Roberto "Marty" Nieto, Fair Housing Day 2010

Santos Ruiz, Fair Housing Day 2010

Mike Guillen, Tiffany Romero-Vega, Santos Ruiz, Fair Housing Day 2010

Governance Document Committee Luncheon: Mercedes Arellano, Jose Luis Arellano, Santo Ruiz, Rosaura Parga

Governance Documents Committee: Santos Ruiz, Jose Luis Arellano, Gabriel Gutierrez, Olga Morales, Jeanette Gomez