Berino/Mesquite-Del Cerro Water System Improvements Project

1/11/16 Update – Scheduled Outage in the Bosque are of Berino: The contractor will be tying in new lines in the Bosque area of Berino on Wednesday, January 13th. Expect the water to be off in this area all day beginning about 9 am. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please see the Projects & Planning page for more information and a list of the streets that will be affected.

3/4/15 Update: Work is scheduled to continue thru the end of March tying in houses to the new lines, and 3/2 installing lines in Cebolla Lane, 3/9 in Ward, 3/12 thru 3/19 in Tarin.

The project includes a bore under the railroad tracks in Mesquite at Mesquite Drive & Hwy. 478 which is done, and one in Berino at Berino Road at Hwy. 478 scheduled to begin 1/27/15. Boring involves large equipment and pits on either side of the tracks, so please be extra cautious driving near these locations.

Construction began in July 2014 on this project.The contractor is Smithco Construction, and the engineering firm is Vencor Engineering, LLC. Total project budget is $10.4 million, and nearly $8.7 million of that is in the construction phase. The construction period is expected to take 548 days with completion scheduled for mid-January of 2016.

Project funding comes from USDA Rural Development, NM Water Trust Board, Governor Richardson’s Colonias Initiative, NM Legislative Capital Outlay Appropriations, an NM Finance Authority Planning Grant and LRGPWWA General Funds with bridge-loan funding from Rural Community Assistance Corporation. The project will replace aging and inadequate water pipelines in these three communities as well as completing a section of our Interconnection & Looping Project to provide a large diameter pipeline interconnection between the Mesquite and Berino water systems.

Please use caution when driving in construction areas. We will post updates and respond to your questions and comments here. Comments require approval in order to keep our site free of spam.

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